We use advanced artificial intelligence to identify the constraints of your business competencies and provide optimal solution that sustains and stimulate growth of your business.
Once the SME is profiled and verifying via rigorous procedure, each SME is implicitly entitled to access financial products whenever its business requires any type of financing.
Fineconet provides a platform and facilities to entrepreneurs to access multi-series investment based on automated business valuation and due diligence.
We provide investors with diversified financial products and investment opportunities that can plausibly be assessed via cutting-edge financial analysis toolsets and robo-advisors.
Since the main objective of Fineconet is to leverage the sustainability and growth of SMEs, we finance everything such as resources, inventory, product development … etc.
Fineconet is equipped with advanced bidding engine that enables all the stakeholders to optimize their objectives by obtaining the best deal with just single click.
We provide investors, banks, SMEs, and other stakeholders with diversified products, thereby minimizing the risk by diversifying the betas.
We bring all the players within a digital business ecosystem thereby promoting instant transactions, collaboration, and network effect-based revenue stream acquisition.
We use artificial intelligence based agents that proactively analyze your business constraints and impediments to propose optimal solution after traversing thousands of solution domains.
We automatically analyze your strategy, operations, value chains, financials, and product canvases to execute solution domain that consolidates SME business sustainability.
Fineconet analyzes the competition landscape, SME competencies, and holistic economic attributes to identify and execute business solutions to stimulate growth.
SMEs can collaborate with other SMEs virtually to create new enterprises called virtual Keiretsus that acts as large enterprise to capture potential demands and combat the power of large enterprises.
Fineconet provides a platform for crowd-innovation that promotes the seamless international multidisciplinary collaboration of innovators with minimum cost.
We employ advanced big-data analytics, AI, machine learning, deep learning, and pattern recognition to enable SME and other stakeholders to mine opportunities within the ecosystem.
Fineconet utilizes advanced decision analysis framework and decision quality models to optimize the decision process of the stakeholders via personal assistants called robo-advisors.
We use finely grained and multi-dimensional information of the enterprise, customer, market, and economic trends to compute the credit worthiness of an enterprise.
Fineconet has demand forecasting engine that utilizes AI and probabilistic models to promote the growth of an enterprise via holistic demand stimulation frameworks.
We promote the collaboration of multiple enterprises, and the development of sustainable bonds by fostering mutual complementary engagements among these enterprises.