

Micro Maturity Microfinancing Models

  •  This model is based on transactional financing for short period of time (days/weeks).
  •  M4 uses dynamic evaluation model to dynamically develop new financing contracts that operates consistently in various business stages (inception, growth, decline … etc)


Holistic Risk Management

  •  Computation of risks from 19 dimensions
  •  Promotes the computation of real risks rather than pseudo-risks based only on financial parameters
  •  Proactively manages risks by targeting potential risk dimensions


Self-evolving Keiretsu

  •  This promotes the dynamic creation of virtually large firms from diverse SMEs to address market requirements or specific demands. These Keiretsus are incepted dynamically, and evolve to handle demand dynamics.


Self-extending Keiretsu

  •  Multiple Keiretsus can be connected to create larger and competent Keiretsus by shallow connection or direct merge.
  •  This promotes the operation of a Keiretsu in diverse marketplaces and geographical locations.


Ecosystem Network Effect

  •  EcoNet provides both standalone and networked values to SMEs. The unique value are embedded within the 6-Dimension network effects (SME, Financing Entities, Regulators, Complementors, Consumers, and Systemic factors.)


Ecosystem-wide Collective Innovation

  •  Contemporary innovation requires multidisciplinary knowledge, and diverse perspectives. As such ECI promotes optimal innovative products and services via networked collaborations using intuitive innovative artifacts as building block for innovation.


Dynamic Information Symmetry Framework

  •  EcoNet produces symmetric knowledge from the atomic transactional information and 16 information quality regulator.
  •  This resolves the information asymmetry syndrome of SME Financing.


System Economics-based Strategy

  •  EcoNet implements cascaded strategy model that comprises multiple systemic strategies, and derived firm level strategy.
  •  SES promotes any SME to capitalize on the networked values via ecosystem strategy model.


Elastic SME Products

  •  The ESP model tackles the risks induced due to demand dynamics for products or services, by proactively engineering the products through incorporating the demand dynamics sources, and their causal relationships.


Elastic Operational Models

  •  Operational model that is resilient to short, medium and long term shocks.
  •  Based on Causal Redundancy Engineering that handles risks via redundant artifacts that tackles any operational anomalies.


Dynamic Competency Extension Consolidation Models

  •  SMEs mainly fail because they don’t Possess the right competencies on the right time.
  •  DCECM enables SMEs to access and utilize ecosystem-wide competencies continuum.


Ecosystem-based Incentive Engineering

  •  EIE promotes any firm to plausibly manage mutual values by both creating ecosystem wide feasible incentives, and by capturing the values generated from the incentives developers by the other entities.


Regulator-Driven Incentive Architecture

  •  This enables regulators to rigorously stimulate economic growth by embedding incentives within their policies.
  •  This is based on incentive based regulation (Trole)


Dynamic Knowledge Diffusion

  •  To generate optimal values from SMEs we need to transform them from labour intensive to knowledge centric. DKD uses ontology driven framework to optimally manage the creation, and diffusion of knowledge.


Virtual Incubation Models

  •  Traditional business incubators are failing to achieve their ultimate goals and are both capital intensive, and slow.
  •  VIM provides virtual incubation platform that accelerates the inception of new firms with minimum capital requirements.


Self-healing SME's

  •  SHS uses SME pathological framework that addresses the pitfalls, impediments, and risks of SMEs.
  •  SHS uses artificial homeostasis models to handle SME pathology by both addressing this at the firm level and ecosystem-wide.


Virtual SME Bank

  •  A complete banking environment in the cloud empowering new business to setup seamlessly SME banking services.
  •  A holistic digital banking ecosystem services that implicitly connects with customers, service providers, and Complementors with minimal cost, time, risk, and effort.


Business Line Virtualization

  •  Enable existing financial service providers to create a new business line for SME products without distorting their operations.
  •  Fostering innovation of new products for incumbent financial services industries with the power of ecosystem-wide competencies, and lead-user driven innovation.